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      <page pageid="932" ns="0" title="Sandbox">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">__TOC__

==How do I see the dark side of the moon?==
This is a description of this question, explaining reasons for this happening, possible causes, etc.

* This is the answer.
* This is another answer.
** This is a caveat for this answer.

==Is this another question?==
This is a description of this question, explaining reasons for this happening, possible causes, etc.

* This is the answer.
* This is another answer.
** This is a caveat for this answer.

Anonymous test edit...

==How to evade captcha!==
Register as a user and log in before adding that link!
[ Fight Spam! Click Here!]</rev>
      <page pageid="2082" ns="0" title="Talk">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">this page intentionally left blank</rev>