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      lvu - query/view lunar package management information


lvu alien|leafs|orphans|pam

lvu cd|what|where|website|sources|urls|maintainer|version $MODULE

lvu compile|compiler|links|install|sum|md5sum $MODULE

lvu export|import [snapshot]

lvu moonbase|html|updatelog|activity

lvu search "phrase"

lvu service port|acronym

lvu newer|older <yyyymmdd>

lvu from <path/file>

lvu installed $MODULE

lvu held|exiled|expired

lvu section [section]

lvu voyeur [delay or $MODULE

lvu depends $MODULE

lvu tree $MODULE

lvu eert $MODULE

lvu size $MODULE

lvu submit|edit|unedit [module] lvu $MODULE_SCRIPT $MODULE


      lvu(1)  is Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Terry Chan with portions copyrighted
      by previous authors 2001-2002 lvu(1) also contains  material  which  is
      Copyright (C) Lunar-Linux team.


      lvu is part of the lunar source-based package management suite. It is a
      general purpose command-line tool for displaying package logs,  version
      information,   checking  for  installed  packages,  checksums,  message
      digests, maintainer information, package  URL  information,  displaying
      new  packages,  untracked files, sections, searching for files that are
      installed, finding when modules were created and packages in the  soft-
      ware  catalogue.  It  can even take and retrieve snapshots of currently
      installed packages for easy duplication.


find and display all files which are not currently tracked by the lunar package management system</dt>

             displays installed modules that have no explicit dependencies on
             them orphans
             displays installed modules that are missing  required  dependen-
             display modules installed that are pam aware
      cd module
             changes  current  directory  to the given module and execs a new
      what module
             view the long package description
      where module
             display the section a module belongs to
      website module
             display the URL for the specified module
      sources module
             list all source files contained in a module
      urls module
             list all URLs for a module
      maintainer module
             display the email address of the  person  currently  responsible
             for maintaining a specified module
      version module
             display version of module in moonbase
      compile module
             show the compiler output generated when the module was built
      compiler module
             display  the version of compiler used for creating the ELF files
             in modules
      links module
             display the modules that this module's ELF binary files actually
             links to
      install module
             used  to  determine  what  files  were installed by a module and
             where those files are located
             display held modules
             display exiled modules
             display a list of modules which will  be  updated  by  a  `lunar
      sum <module>
             print  CRC  checksums  for  modules(s). If no module is given it
             defaults to all.
      md5sum <module>
             print module MD5 message digests (fingerprints). If no module is
             given it default to all
             take a snapshot of all modules currently installed
      import snapshot
             restore the snapshot from a previous lvu export command (see the
             export option)
             prints the entire moonbase
             prints the entire moonbase in a nice html format
             view summary log of previous lunar update
             view the main lunar activity log
      search "phrase"
             Searches modules long descriptions for phrase
      service port|acronym
             displays modules that provide the given service port|acronym
      newer date
             print packages that are newer than a specified  date.  the  date
             must  be  specified  in  the  'yyyymmdd'  format,  where y=year,
             m=month, and d=day
      older date
             print packages that are older than a specified  date.  the  date
             must  be  specified  in  the  'yyyymmdd'  format,  where y=year,
             m=month, and d=day
      from <path/>file
             find out what module has <path>/file installed
      installed <module>
             view all installed packages and corresponding version numbers or
             check to see whether a particular package is installed and if it
             is installed display its version number
      section <module>
             view a list of all sections in the software catalogue or display
             a list of packages from a specific section
      size <module>
             display the size of a given module or all your installed modules
             in KB
      voyeur <module>
             start looking at what lin is compiling at the moment and outputs
             it. A module can be optionally specified.
      depends <module>
             displays  the  modules  that explicitly or recursively depend on
             this module.
      tree <module>
             displays a tree of the module's dependencies.
      eert <module>
             displays a tree of the module's reverse dependencies.
      edit <module>
             Copy an existing module to zlocal so it can be edited.  Turn  on
             ZLOCAL_OVERRIDES  to  make  sure  your  edited  module gets used
             instead of the default module.
      unedit <module>
             Discards your 'edit'ed zlocal module. Works the same as removing
      submit <module>
             Submit  a module to the lunar module submission list/mail alias.
             Please only submit tested changes.
      $MODULE_SCRIPT module
             replace $MODULE_SCRIPT with any of the following DETAILS |  CON-
             FIGURE   |   CONFLICTS  |  PRE_BUILD  |  BUILD  |  POST_BUILD  |
             POST_INSTALL | POST_REMOVE to show module scripts for the module


Original version written by Brian Peterson
Modified by Kyle Sallee
Updated Thomas Stewart 01/15/2002
Converted to Lunar by Terry Chan 03/23/2002
Edited and new functions added by Chuck Mead 05/21/2002
Updated again by Terry Chan 08/08/2003


      Report bugs to <>


      lunar(8), lin(8), lrm(8), lget(8), moonbase(1)


      This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Lunar Linux August 2003 LVU(1)

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